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Group Counselling
Group counselling is widely recognized as an effective way to assist individuals to deal with a variety of issues. For both children and adults, taking part in group counselling provides numerous benefits not always available through an individual counselling process. By way of careful assesment, a counsellor can determine whether group counselling is a good option for you or your child at this time. The benefits of group counselling can include:
Recieving support from other group members
Recognizing you are not alone in this experience
Letting go of sense of secrecy about experience
Letting go of shame and self blame
Learning what helps others in their process
Making new connections and friends
Having opportunities to share and be heard
Gaining insight into own experience and process
Gaining a sense of belonging and community
Taking time for self care and fun
Sometimes individual counselling or play therapy is recommended initially as a way to help a person process difficult emotions and experiences, and gain stability and healthier coping strategies. This is often the case when dealing with traumatic events requiring more intensive individual counselling to be able to effectively process and cope with complex emotions and needs. In these situations group counselling might be more appropriate later on in the counselling process.
For children, group counselling can be an excellent way to learn about self and others, while gaining a sense of belonging and connectedness to peers of similar ages. There is abundent research documenting the power of the group process in helping children feel less alone in their experiences; find safety and trust among group members and counsellor; and learn ways of expressing the range of feelings they're experiencing.
Please see Calendar for information on groups currently available for children and adults, or contact us to request a specific group program for yourself, child or school.
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